Wednesday, October 12, 2005

"OpenDocument Gathers Worldwide Support"

The Open Document Fellowship has been created by a group of OpenDocument supporters to promote the standard as used by as well as StarOffice and KDEOffice:
"The Open Document Fellowship promotes the new internationally agreed standard for digital documents, Open Document Format (OpenDocument). The Fellowship, formed in September, has attracted support and interest from around the globe.

The Fellowship's aims include providing factual information about the Open Document Format, such as the degree to which companies and their products are committed to supporting the format, and making sure that OpenDocument can be always supported by any software application or company. The organisation also supports the development of software tools to complement the format."

Official announcement:

The Open Document Fellowship:

More on OpenDocument:

The news is also reported by eWeek:
"The budding OpenDocument Fellowship will add momentum to a growing trend among schools and public agencies to support open standards for the creation, storage and delivery of business documents, the group said."